
Only the best and most cost-efficient forestry machinery and can reach the highest sales volume and biggest market share. The best brands invest a lot in continuous product development and also cooperation in the search for new innovative solutions.

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Development Engineer, ICT

We are looking for a specialist in testing and automation technology for testing and laboratory operations, combining hardware and code. The tasks involve diverse expert and development roles in testing and automation systems, logic, data, and ICT infrastructure.

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Driving growth Down Under: Tony Neef takes the helm as Black Bruin’s regional representative

Tony Neef joins Black Bruin as Regional Sales Representative and Business Developer for Australia and Oceania, starting April 1st, 2024.

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Introducing Johnny Karlsson – A powerhouse determined to keep Black Bruin motors spinning in Scandinavia

Johnny Karlsson has been appointed Sales Director Scandinavia at Black Bruin as of February 9, 2024. Bringing a wealth of international experience in sales, marketing, and business development, Johnny, based in Umeå, Sweden, will be developing both mobile and industrial motor sales operations across the Scandinavian market.

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