

Kiitämme asiakkaitamme ja yhteistyökumppaneitamme kuluneesta vuodesta ja toivotamme kaikille rauhallista joulua sekä menestystä vuodelle 2018!

Tänä vuonna lahjoitimme joulukorttivarat Äijälän Talo ry:lle.

Black Bruin -tiimi

See also


New distributor in the East of Canada

The dealership agreement with Mecano Mobile RL applies to rotators and links for forestry machines.

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New investment

The recent decision to invest in a new multitasking lathe reflects confidence in our operations and the future of the industry, despite the current global uncertainties. This new multitasking lathe is specifically intended for machining various types of shafts, which are among the key and most complex components in Black Bruin hydraulic motors.

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Season’s Greetings 2020

Per ardua ad astra. That’s what they say - ”A rough road leads to the stars”. So true of the times we’re living in and also in many ways describing the conditions in which Black Bruin motors and rotators are often used.

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