
An important part of our business is to have a deep understanding of hydraulic system functionality, the requirements of different type of applications and also market demands in various parts of the world. See for yourself what our customers have to say about us.


If your motor can make it here, it can make it anywhere

Some people and companies are always open to try something new to be able to break new ground. At Black Bruin we appreciate being able to work with many of them. Reclaiming land from the sea all over the globe, the Dutch company CeTeau is just such a company. They are also thoroughly familiar with the innovativeness of Bruin’s solutions: the original rotating case BB motors, the rotating shaft S-series and now the X-series.

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The Czech system integrator BIBUS relies on powerful Black Bruin motors for continuous success in mobile applications

When a customer wants a Black Bruin motor, there’s no need to worry about the rest. In addition to delivering the high-quality motor, BIBUS will also take care of everything else that is needed – the pumps, filters etc., BIBUS delivers them all.

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Fish biting and bear motors selling well in Norway

The distributor for Black Bruin in Norway, Hydraulikkteknikk was founded in 2003, nowadays employs 18 people and has its business premises near Oslo. The company has been distributing Black Bruin motors since the start of 2003, when part owner Morten introduced the motors to the company, he himself having worked with Black Bruin motors since 1993 with his previous employer.

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HOF in Thailand: Your partner for a better tomorrow

“With our own product ranges combined with Black Bruin motors, we can offer a complete hydraulic system for certain applications. The opportunities in South East Asia for Black Bruin are huge and completely untapped.”

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Offering a better grip for special agricultural applications: Paul Forrer with Black Bruin

Paul Forrer started to install Black Bruin motors in 2001 in small projects. Switzerland has mountainous areas, which is where the Black Bruin difference really matters.

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Axiom and Black Bruin in South Africa: Fighting back with a strong culture

Axiom Hydraulics and Black Bruin have been working together since the late 1990’s, serving southern Africa’s fluid power, mining, industrial, agriculture and marine industries. The common service attitude is something which has proven to be a valuable asset to both companies.

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The Art(o) of knowing it inside out: HydroSystem is Black Bruin’s long-trusted partner in Finland

In gratitude for your hard work and commitment from 2000 to 2021. HydroSystem’s Arto Haataja deservedly receives Black Bruin’s Golden Distributor Award.

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JPJ Forest’s customers can benefit from a wet year and Black Bruin accuracy

When it’s raining the forest industry is blooming. Maybe an oversimplification but very much true of the loggers and other entrepreneurs actively working in the fast growing Czech forests. The enthusiastic experts of JPJ Forest are determined to let their customers enjoy the Black Bruin advantage.

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Creating systems together: Niehues and Black Bruin

The times are tough, so the tough keep going. Black Bruin’s German distributor Niehues feel that the current market situation creates opportunities especially for smaller companies.

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Thirty years of hydraulics experience in Bulgaria further enhanced through cooperation with Black Bruin

Boris Zhelev of HYDRAVLON, Black Bruin’s new distributor in Bulgaria believes that “bear” resonates well with the Bulgarian mentality.

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Demanding North American customers in focus for 40 years – NAHI and Black Bruin

North American Hydraulics has been Black Bruin’s trusted partner for practically 40 years. Amidst hurricanes and viruses, one thing has always been and will be vital for both: stay focused on the demanding customer.

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BPW AGRO Drive hydraulic drive axles take off with Black Bruin

German axle manufacturer BPW contacted Finnish motor manufacturer Black Bruin during the agricultural technology trade fair Agritechnica 2015. The goal was set very soon: to launch hydraulically driven BPW axles during the next Agritechnica, which was scheduled for 2017.

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